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Life Source Church
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where Jesus is the Source of Life
Every Sunday at 10AM
We the Kingdom

Abraham & Rosebud Madinger
get to know our Pastors
Hey everybody! Thanks for taking the time to check out Life Source! We consider ourselves tremendously blessed to be able to lead the local body of Christ at Life Source Church in Billings, MT.
Our mission is to reach and empower people with the Life and Love of God.
We are NOT a religious institution, BUT a family walking and growing in relationship with their Father.
Our motive and reason for being is LOVE and if you’re looking for a church family where you are accepted just as you and equipped to become everything God created you to be, then look no further. We would be honored to meet you, help you and walk with you as we ALL continue to see God’s Kingdom come and His will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.
We hope to see you soon,
Pastors Abraham & Rosebud Madinger
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